
Showing posts from February, 2022

Deepika Padukone Quotes in English - 35 Best Quotes of Deepika Padukone - Deepika Padukone Motivational Quotes - Positive Quotes of Deepika Padukone

Deepika Padukone is a Bollywood actress from India. Padukone, one of India's highest-paid actresses, has won numerous prizes, including three Filmfare Awards. She is included among the country's most popular figures, and Time named her one of the world's 100 most important people in 2018. Padukone was born in Copenhagen and raised in Bangalore, the daughter of badminton player Prakash Padukone. She competed in national badminton tournaments as a youngster but quit the sport to pursue a career as a fashion model. She was quickly approached for film jobs, and she made her acting debut in 2006. May her quotes motivate you to take action in order to achieve your goals. Best Quotes of Deepika Padukone: 1. “To me, the mind and body are one. I’m very transparent in a way, and people can very easily make out what mood I’m in.” Deepika Padukone 2. “I try and workout as often as possible. Since I travel very often, it becomes very difficult to have a daily workout routine, but I prac...

Top 10 Quotes of Shakuntala Devi - Shakuntala Devi Quotes & sayings - Shakuntala Devi Quotes in English - Inspirational Quotes by Shakuntala Devi

Shakuntala Devi (4 November 1929 – 21 April 2013) was an Indian mathematician, writer and mental calculator, popularly known as the "Human Computer". Her talent earned her a place in the 1982 edition of The Guinness Book of World Records. Here are some famous quotes of Shakuntala Devi. Best Quotes of Shakuntala Devi: 1. " If you do not use a muscle or any part of the body, it tends to become atrophic. So is the case with the brain. The more you use it, the better it becomes. " - Shakuntala Devi 2. "Without mathematics, there's nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers." - Shakuntala Devi 3. " I relax completely when I'm at rest. I don't think of numbers; I don't think of work." - Shakuntala Devi 4. "Education is not just about going to school and getting a degree. It's about widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life." - Shakuntala Devi 5. "Why do ...

15 Best Quotes of Mary Kom - Mary Kom Quotes in English - Mary Kom Famous Quotes - Motivational & Positive Quotes of Mary Kom

Chungneijang Mary Kom Hmangte, also known as Mary Kom, is an Indian Olympic boxer who was born in Manipur. She is the only female boxer to have won the World Amateur Boxing Championship six times, and she is the only female boxer to have won a medal in each of the seven world championships. Chungneijang Mangte Mary Kom was up in an impoverished Manipuri family, spending the majority of her youth helping her parents in the jhum (slash and burn agriculture) fields and caring for her younger siblings. During her childhood, she was inspired by Muhammad Ali videos on television, which ignited her interest in boxing. Here is a collection of Mary Kom quotations that might serve as motivation for your thoughts. Best Quotes of Mary Kom: 1. “ Never buy gold, simply earn it.” 2. “Don’t give up as there is always a next time.” 3. “What you sow, you will reap. What I sow, I will reap.” 4. “Don’t let anyone tell you are weak because you are a women.” 5. “Hard times have abandoned you, good times lie...

30 Best Quotes of Michael Phelps - Michael Phelps Quotes on Success - Michael Phelps Inspiration - Michael Phelps Swimming Quotes - Michael Phelps Quotes in English

Michael Fred Phelps II, best known as Michael Phelps, is a former American competitive Olympic swimmer who holds the record for most medals won (28). Michael Phelps, a swimming legend, has the most gold medals in Olympic history, with 23. Since the 2004 Athens Olympics, Phelps has set the bar in the Olympics. Michael is the world record holder in the men's 400-meter individual medley, long course 200-meter freestyle, 100-meter and 200-meter butterfly, and 200-meter individual medley. Michael Phelps set these records because he was determined to do so. This is frequently the case in everything he does. Here are some well-known Michael Phelps quotes to motivate you to reach your goals.Michael Phelps motivational quotes, legendary Olympic sayings, and a list of great champion quotations will all be included in this collection of quotes. They also cover Michael Phelps quotes on repetition and its benefits, as well as swimming team quotes, perseverance quotes, sports quotations, and how...

20 Best Sonu Sharma Quotes in English - Sonu Sharma Thoughts in English - Motivational Quotes of Sonu Sharma - Positive Quotes of Sonu Sharma

Mr. Sonu Sharma created the DYNAMIC INDIA GROUP (INDIA). As an author, educator, business adviser, and successful entrepreneur, he is in high demand as a speaker. He is currently widely regarded as one of India's most inspirational young speakers. He encourages and motivates others to achieve their best potential. People on both sides of the globe have heard his compelling personal words. Sonu Sharma's Life Motivational Quotes and Thoughts The technique for becoming wealthy is well-known. As a consequence of his 18 years of research and understanding in the Direct Sales Industry, many businesses have grown and prospered. Thousands of people have benefited from his lively workshops in over 12 Indian states in less than four years, and one billion people have heard him on social media across 114 countries. In India, more than ten million individuals have attended his live seminars. Through his inspiring quotations for life, he inspires young people to engage in network marketing....

15 Best Quotes of Maharana Pratap - Maharana Pratap Quotes in English - Maharana Pratap Thoughts - Best Maharana Pratap Quotes

When you read Maharana Pratap's quotes, your skin crawls with goosebumps, your blood boils with vitality, and your spirits soar. But are you aware of the reason for this? Because no one could ever match Maharana Pratap's tenacity in combat, especially against Akbar or any other Mughal. When it came to defending his nation, he was certain that no matter how difficult the battle, he would slay all of his foes. Everyone remembers the famous battle of Haldighat, where his favourite horse, 'Chetak,' died for sparing his life. His horse was just as patriotic as he was. After fighting the Mughals and spending years in exile in the forests, Maharana Pratap regained control of his motherland. But history will remember this great fighter for his unrivalled valour, fortitude, and bravery, and Mewar will never see another patriotic son in his lifetime. Best Quotes of Maharana Pratap: 1. "The first duty of a ruler is to protect the pride and honour of his country." 2. ...

35 Best Irrfan Khan Quotes - Best Irrfan Khan Quotes in English - Best Irrfan Khan Quotes on Life - Best Irrfan Khan Quotes on Love - Best Irrfan Khan Quotes on Mohabbat

Sahabzade Irfan Ali Khan, better known by his stage name Irrfan Khan, was an Indian actor who appeared in Hindi films as well as British and American films. He was born on January 7, 1967, and died on April 29, 2020. Khan's career spanned more than 30 years and earned him multiple awards, including a National Film Award, an Asian Film Award, and four Filmfare Awards. He was given the Padma Shri, India's fourth highest civilian honour, in 2011. These unforgettable Irrfan Khan statements will motivate us throughout our lives. Best Irrfan Khan Quotes: 1. “Sometimes when you’re playing a very intense character, a disturbed character, you find other layers. That’s much more interesting to me, rather than just playing ‘intense.’ I find it too boring.” – Irrfan Khan 2. “Relations don’t come with a guarantee card.” – Irrfan Khan 3. “I want to entertain people, but with some substance.” – Irrfan Khan 4. “Cinema is changing every week, and multiplex audiences are demanding every week.” –...

Top Chanakya Quotes in Hindi - Chanakya Quotes in Hindi for Love - Chanakya Niti Quotes - Chanakya Motivational Quotes in Hindi - Chanakya Niti Quotes on Success & life

हम सभी जानते हैं कि आचार्य चाणक्य महान लीडर, राजनीतिज्ञ, अर्थशास्त्री, बुद्धिमान इंसान है, आज भी बड़े बड़े लीडर बिजनेसमैन चाणक्य नीति को फॉलो करते हैं और आज बड़े बड़े मुकाम पर है। अगर कोई व्यक्ति chanakya quotes को फॉलो करते हैं, तो यकीन मानिए वह हर क्षेत्र में अपनी मनचाही सफलता को हासिल कर सकते हैं। इस लेख में हम आचार्य चाणक्य द्वारा बताए गए, motivational quotes का वर्णन करेंगे, जिससे हर व्यक्ति हर क्षेत्र में महारत हासिल कर सकता है और कहां गया है कि जो व्यक्ति चाणक्य नीति और chanakya niti quotes को फॉलो करते हैं, वह जीवन में कभी निराश नहीं हो सकता है, साथ ही वह इंसान कभी मजबुर नहीं होता है। आचार्य चाणक्य के विचार: 1. “कोई काम शुरू करने से पहले, स्वयं से तीन प्रश्न कीजिये, मैं ये क्यों कर रहा हूँ, इसके परिणाम क्या हो सकते हैं, और क्या मैं सफल होऊंगा. और जब गहराई से सोचने पर, इन प्रश्नों के संतोषजनक उत्तर मिल जायें, तभी आगे बढिए।" — Chanakya आचार्य चाणक्य 2. “व्यक्ति अकेले पैदा होता है और अकेले मर जाता है, और वो अपने अच्छे और बुरे कर्मों का फल खुद ही भुगतता है, और वह अकेले ही नर्...

Shivaji Maharaj Quotes in Hindi - Shivaji Maharaj Sayings in Hindi - Positive & Motivational Quotes of Shivaji Maharaj

छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराज भारत के महान योद्धा और अति कुशल प्रशासक थे। छत्रपति शिवाजी महाराज का नाम शिवाजी भोंसले था, लोग आदर से उन्हे शिवाजी महाराज कहकर बुलाते थे। उनका नाम इतिहास में एक महान देशभक्त और वीर मराठा योद्धा के रूप में दर्ज है। आइए पढ़ते है Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Inspiring Quotes in Hindi. 1. "एक वीर योद्धा हमेशा विद्वानों के सामने ही झुकता है।" 2. "कभी भी अपना सिर मत झुकाओ, हमेशा उसे ऊंचा रखो।" 3. "स्वतंत्रता एक वरदान है, जिसे पाने का अधिकारी हर कोई है।" 4. "जब हौसले बुलन्द हों तो पहाड़ भी एक मिट्टी का ढेर लगता है।" 5. "स्त्री के सभी अधिकारों में सबसे महान अधिकार मां बनने का है।" 6. "एक छोटा कदम छोटे लक्ष्य के लिए, बाद में विशाल लक्ष्य भी हासिल करा देता है।" 7. "शत्रु को कमजोर न समझो। और न ही अत्यधिक बलवान समझ कर डरना चाहिए।" 8. "आप जहां कहीं भी रहते हैं आपको अपने पूर्वजों का इतिहास जरूर मालूम होना चाहिए।" 9. "जो व्यक्ति सिर्फ अपने देश और सत्य के सामने झुकता है। उसका आदर सभी जगह होता है।...

महात्मा गांधी के अनमोल विचार - महात्मा गांधी के अनमोल वचन - Mahatma Gandhi Quotes in Hindi - Best sayings of Mahatma Gandhi

महात्मा गाँधी का पूरा नाम मोहनदास करमचन्द गांधी था जिन्हे हम बापू के नाम से भी जानते थे। देश की उन्नतिओ में उनका बहुत बड़ा योगदान है। जिन्हे हम कभी नहीं भूल सकते। आज हम देखेंगे उनके कुछ Mahatma Gandhi Quotes In Hindi में। जिसे आपको पढ़कर बहुत प्रेणा मिलेगी। 1. "इस तरह जियो कि तुम कल मर जाओगे, सीखो इस तरह कि तुम हमेशा जिओगे।" 2. "एक आंख के लिए दूसरी आंख, सिर्फ इस दुनिया को अंधा बनाएगी।" 3. "प्रसन्नता तब है जब आप जो सोचते हो, आप जो कहते हो, और जो करते हो – ये सभी एक दूसरे के साथ तारतम्य में हो।" 4. "कमजोर कभी माफ नहीं कर सकता। मजबूत लोगों का यह धर्म है कि वे दूसरों को माफ करें। भविष्य, आज आप जो कर रहे हैं उस पर निर्भर करता है।" 5. "पहले वो आपकी अपेक्षा करेंगे, बाद में आप पर हसेंगे, उसके बाद आप से लड़ेंगे और उसके बाद आप जीत जाएंगे।' 6. "अपने आप को ढूंढने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका है कि आप दूसरों की सेवा में खो जाओ।" 7. "ताकत शारीरिक क्षमता से नहीं आती है, यह इंसान की अदम्य इच्छाशक्ति से आती है।" 8. "हर रात जब मैं सोने जाता ...